Today I released my next full album on bandcamp. It is a concept album describing the emotions and impressions I had when visiting New York City in October 2017. This is a pre-release. The full release on all major streaming sites will follow in the next days.
The story of NYC Nights
In September 2017 we got the wicked idea of why not spend a second holiday this year in New York. We had wanted to go several times in the last 10 years, but never had gone. We decided and booked on a whim and sure enough in October we found ourselves in the big apple. I recently had bought a cheap field recorder just to try it out and what an opportunity it was.
New York isn’t just a city of light but of constant sound. You cannot escape it. From sirens to jackhammers to buzzing people. The ever humming sounds just engulf you and finally inspire the musician in you. I had to do something with it. So the raw idea was born. I first thought of using most of the sounds rhythmically i.e. for making beats and but the project soon took on a life of its own. Sometimes the tracks developed out of the sound i.e. the Jackhammer wake-up service, sometimes an idea was complimented by certain sounds i.e. street sounds and accelerating cars or just the idea survived and a track came from nowhere. It certainly is funny the way inspiration works …
And so is life. In January the project stopped as I got stopped by my internal beat Maschine loosing its rhythm. (heart attack) This, in a way, at the same time stalled and sped up the project as I am currently forced to stay at home, which gave me plenty of time to finish the album. As is my fashion it spans from Rock to Jazz to Electronica. Some classical ideas and EDM are in there too. If I can find one listener who enjoys the whole album as I did I’d be very lucky. The mood of the album feels a bit melancholic at times, so I wanted it to end on a fun track. The track title is an in joke only my family and our friends in New York will understand(, or any parent with young children high on sugar.)
So as always Listen, enjoy, tell your friends and foes about it.
Love, Markus

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