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ONOMA – Out now

The day is finally here. ONOMA, album number 5 sees the light of day. The end of a one year long journey has come.

Out now

It all began in August 2018 after the release of my last album ORIGIN. I started doodling again and soon one track and some melodic ideas were born. The start of a new album started to take shape. I had one full track and 2 sketches. And then disaster struck while backing up my music harddrive. The harddrive crashed hard and not even a professional data rescue service was able to retrieve the data. Music data, music software, tracks, samples: all gone. Only some basic program data and some tracks on SoundCloud and some production files on had survived.

And so had track number one on my mobile which I had as usual randomly named: ONOMA. Just for the sound of it. It took me almost 3 month to rebuild my PC music system. And it wasn’t until Xmas that music started to be fun again. While trying to find some inspiration I randomly played some tracks on my mobile phone and thus rediscovered ONOMA the now Prologue to the full album. A new years resolution was set: Build a full album until August 23rd, the anniversary of the PC crash. It should be a long instrumental, in the style of Mike Oldfield, about 40 minutes in length.

As I am an avid listener to fantasy books a thematic path was set to do kind of a hero’s journey. So ONOMA developed over the course of the following month. Perhaps some of you followed the journey on my socials.

Now after some extensive mixing I am proud to be able to present to you what was born from a disastrous 2018. ONOMA.

Listen on Spotify

I hope some of you will enjoy it in full or in its parts. Though I strongly suggest you listen to the tracks in the right order or the full track on headphones, browsing through the tracks may also be an experience. Be that as it may, the main thing is that you enjoy the sounds and melodies. It has been a pleasure to compose and shape this one.

A late addition was the track “Lament”. This one is almost 3 years old but never made it onto an album. I feel it matches the sound of ONOMA very well and fits into this release.

I hope you will enjoy the music and as always: Thank you for caring.


P.S: I’m writing this while on the ferry from Glasgow to Belfast. Technology is a marvelous thing.

Don’t pay the ferryman
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Project ONOMA on target

If you followed me on instagram you may know that project ONOMA is its final stages. Mixing and Mastering are done. Artwork and Logo reworking are finished.

Here it is:

Now it needs to be dispatched to all major streaming outlets. Soon you will be able to pre-save the first tracks on Bandcamp.
Keep your eyes on my social media for further update.While you’re waiting just listen to my old stuff and follow me everywhere.

Thank you for caring


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Project ONOMA started. Updates on my Instagram.

On the first of January I embarked on a new musical journey. I started project ONOMA.

The challenge: create an instrumental album with at least two tracks, 20 minutes each, for a release in mid-August. The title is the Greek word for name. Cheesy I know. But it has a very musical ring to me.

In August 2018 I made the opening theme, while just doodling on Machine, in 2 days, bounced it to Google drive to listen to it on my mobile. When I wanted to start working on it again the next day, my music hard drive crashed and I lost all of the midi files related to it and most of the midi for my backcatalogue. Just the bounced file and the tweaked Maschine beat survived. As I also lost access to my plugins, I couldn’t restart the work until I had built up my PC again.

I almost had forgotten about the track. In December I started to clean up my Google drive an rediscovered it, liked it and had the idea for the challenge. And so the new year’s resolution for this challenge was born.

By now I am well into creating the first track, the A-side. The style is eclectic as always. It definitely has vibes from Oldfield and Jarre. A little Markus is in there, too. Shifting from Rock to Folk to Pop to synthy Techno.

I started an production update series on my Instagram. Soon I will be uploading some sounds. Stay tuned for it.

But the project is not only a musical one. I also decided to streamline my visual appearance on social. I will focus on Instagram and started by trying to find a more coherent style for my posts. I hope you’ll like it.

This is all a evolutionary process. I hope the final product will find an audience.

Stay tuned, listen, enjoy, like.




Latest album: ORIGIN

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A late but very Happy New Year to all of you who made it around the sun again.

Hi Folks,

another trip around the sun is over and the new journey of 365 days has begun again. And again we all have time to mess up our lives for the  940 million km (584 million mi) trip. Anyone asking: “Are we there yet, already?” Well, having traveled almost 46 billion km and intending to make it 100 I wish you all a very pleasant,eventful and fun trip. There are no meteors in sight, so the only ones to mess up the trip are we ourselves. So let us all work together in friendship, peace and love to see another silly ball drop again.

Best wishes to all the people of the world.



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