My latest MASCHINE LOVE and my first release, the EP NOW will be available on all streaming services and stores worldwide.
MASCHINE LOVE already is available for streaming since January 1st of this year. After being a Bandcamp exclusive album, MASCHINE LOVE now can be enjoyed on all major services. The 10 Synthy tracks span from ambient to disco, always with a melodic touch.
My first EP NOW was dropped from most services as the Blend Label closed its doors in 2019. It will be back on the streaming circus from mid- January. The Chillout EP with the prominent title track NOW (mixed by Grammy winner Brent Kolatalo) is still dear to my heart as it marked the beginning of my coming back to music. It now can be enjoyed again in its original form with a renewed simpler cover picture.

I encourage you to listen to both of my albums now and put the on your playlists.
So, as always Liste, enjoy, like.
Love, Markus
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