My new album ORIGIN finally has been released on Bandcamp and Soundcloud on August 31. 2018. The full worldwide release will follow on September 3.
ORIGIN IS HERE. This album was my first foray into the sound of modular synthesis. I used Native Instruments Reaktor6 to crate new and exciting soundscapes to weave my melodies around. Building beats on Maschine i.e. and putting them through Reaktor effect Modular or sampling some crazy sounds from free Instruments on the Reaktor User Library was a wonderful experience. Next to Reaktor I have to cite several Heavocity VSTs I must as Inspiration for some tracks as well as the Roli Seabord which makes my VSTGuitarist life a lot easier. The electric guitars sounds so much more realistic. A late addition was the new version of Vocaloid5, which gets the non-vocalist a much more realistic voice. I will surely explore this in the future. Lastly I ventured into the binaural experience. Using the free Sennheiser AMBEO plugin I tried to broaden my tracks and make ORIGIN a truly immersive experience.
Headphones mandatory
So, put on your headphones and dive into the deep, rich tapestry of sounds and melodies. Let yourself feel the pulse of life and the relaxation of flight. ORIGIN to me is a wonderful journey, best listened to on headphones from the first track to the last. Thank you for listening.
The story behind ORIGIN
Origin has been an adventure in hard times. As you may know, I had a heart attack at the beginning of 2018 and am still suffering from heart insufficiency. As a result
The playful beginnings
One morning I started to play with some Reaktor Instruments I had never used and it sounded fun. I started sampling the sounds added some field recorded sounds and other samples, some quite raunchy samples I must admit, and what-do-you-know I suddenly had a track of almost 8 minutes with no real chord progression, no real melody, no real text. Just a slowly developing beat with some sound effects. I loved it. Listen to Tumbling.
From then on the
Not only dark moods
There are also bright moments that reflect the better days. Cloudless Sky was the first track that deviated from the pattern mentioned above. Sometimes a glitch in the software can do the trick. I normally use Maschine as a plugin in Ableton when creating a track. Often after having created a basic track or some idea in Maschine standalone. Here the plugin stopped working for some mysterious reason. So I had a look at some of the new beat sets in Ableton and created the beat that sounded a bit like a tabla rhythm. Above that I just played some easy chords and started riffing with my seaboard and a guitar sound. Voila. Happy accident as Bob Ross would say.
Being a bad vocalist I am long interested in synthetic vocals. The spoken vocals are mostly created with the google translator. The singing voices are the new Vocaloid5. The release of the new update sparked a new wave of tracks. Dreamland was created as I needed an opener for the album. What else was an attempt at creating a song with that great new vocal engine that you really could
What is the ORIGIN
The story of creating the cover for the album I already told in the last post. What I haven’t told you that the title came before the track Origin. In a situation like mine, you naturally search for a reason why. Why me? Why now? Why at all? What is the ORIGIN of all this? So I came up with an answer in my music. You need to listen to get it too.
Thank you for listening and don’t forget to follow me everywhere. Go here.