MASCHINE LOVE and NOW back on streaming services

My latest MASCHINE LOVE and my first release, the EP NOW will be available on all streaming services and stores worldwide.

MASCHINE LOVE already is available for streaming since January 1st of this year. After being a Bandcamp exclusive album, MASCHINE LOVE now can be enjoyed on all major services. The 10 Synthy tracks span from ambient to disco, always with a melodic touch.

My first EP NOW was dropped from most services as the Blend Label closed its doors in 2019. It will be back on the streaming circus from mid- January. The Chillout EP with the prominent title track NOW (mixed by Grammy winner Brent Kolatalo) is still dear to my heart as it marked the beginning of my coming back to music. It now can be enjoyed again in its original form with a renewed simpler cover picture.

I encourage you to listen to both of my albums now and put the on your playlists.

So, as always Liste, enjoy, like.

Love, Markus

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It’s #BandcampFriday – Get MASCHINE LOVE for free

MASCHINE LOVE is my new EP and it is out now. Best for all of you it is free (or pay what you want). So if you want to give me some love, download it today and listen to it. If you like to spend some cash, you are welcome to do so, because it is #bandcampfriday and all cash goes directly into my pocket.

Hit this link for additional videos

This EP is a collection of synthy tracks created in the last three months. I tried to stay away from my normal instruments and dive into a more synth-laden territory. And staying away from my normal DAW Ableton live, I also used a more hands-on approach by creating the tracks with my Native Instruments Maschine MK3 and the MASCHINE DAW. So MASCHINE LOVE has a double entendre. It’s the love for the instrument as well as the Robot/Android theme that emerged while working on the tracks. I hope you will enjoy the short EP and have as much fun as I did while creating the tracks. 

After some months of procrastinating, I finally got to creating something cohesive again. P.S.: I may add some tracks in the coming month as there are a lot of lost and unfinished ideas in the toxic vault of my hard drive.

So be sure to follow me on all social media to be updated regularly. Simply hit the Follow buttons on the right or go to my LINKTREE .

As always thank you. Download, Listen, and Enjoy.


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ONOMA – Out now

The day is finally here. ONOMA, album number 5 sees the light of day. The end of a one year long journey has come.

Out now

It all began in August 2018 after the release of my last album ORIGIN. I started doodling again and soon one track and some melodic ideas were born. The start of a new album started to take shape. I had one full track and 2 sketches. And then disaster struck while backing up my music harddrive. The harddrive crashed hard and not even a professional data rescue service was able to retrieve the data. Music data, music software, tracks, samples: all gone. Only some basic program data and some tracks on SoundCloud and some production files on had survived.

And so had track number one on my mobile which I had as usual randomly named: ONOMA. Just for the sound of it. It took me almost 3 month to rebuild my PC music system. And it wasn’t until Xmas that music started to be fun again. While trying to find some inspiration I randomly played some tracks on my mobile phone and thus rediscovered ONOMA the now Prologue to the full album. A new years resolution was set: Build a full album until August 23rd, the anniversary of the PC crash. It should be a long instrumental, in the style of Mike Oldfield, about 40 minutes in length.

As I am an avid listener to fantasy books a thematic path was set to do kind of a hero’s journey. So ONOMA developed over the course of the following month. Perhaps some of you followed the journey on my socials.

Now after some extensive mixing I am proud to be able to present to you what was born from a disastrous 2018. ONOMA.

Listen on Spotify

I hope some of you will enjoy it in full or in its parts. Though I strongly suggest you listen to the tracks in the right order or the full track on headphones, browsing through the tracks may also be an experience. Be that as it may, the main thing is that you enjoy the sounds and melodies. It has been a pleasure to compose and shape this one.

A late addition was the track “Lament”. This one is almost 3 years old but never made it onto an album. I feel it matches the sound of ONOMA very well and fits into this release.

I hope you will enjoy the music and as always: Thank you for caring.


P.S: I’m writing this while on the ferry from Glasgow to Belfast. Technology is a marvelous thing.

Don’t pay the ferryman
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ONOMA is ready for Pre-Order on Bandcamp

We’re closing in on the release of ONOMA. It will be available worldwide from August 23rd, but you can have your share of it right now. Pre-Order the album on Bandcamp and listen to parts of the full album. Pre-Order opens at midnight CEST today.

Just follow the link below.

And here is an exclusive sneak peek into another track from ONOMA which shows my more full-on rock side. Have fun and thank you for caring in advance.


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