Dear friends, Hi folks,
the final full video for NYC Nights has been released on Youtube. This one was the frist graphic video I did. The idea was to create a NYC City scene and move it slowly to the scene shown in the full album cover. I feel it turned out to be quite nice. I did it all with quite simple tools. Using Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements as well as the free tool Inkscape.
The whole idea of creating a graphic video and slowly creating a cover scene for the new album took quite some time. Decisions are never easy and I hope you like the outcome as well as the underlying tune. Cruising Through The Night was the first track I created for the album and set the tone for one half of the more jazz rock inspired tunes.
I am currently working on more video ideas, probably based on the photos on videos from our trip to NY. Looking forward to your opinions. Post them here or on my social media.Thanks for listening and viewing anyway.

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